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SF MOMA, Collaboration Update, & Wedding Commission

SF MOMA is finally open again. It was nice to see it again but I didn't get a chance to look at everything. I took my Academy of Art students on their last day of class and it was great. The museum just opened the Saturday before and we got tickets for the Monday. I only got to see three floors. Artwork of note was Shirin Neshat's video piece "Passage" - it gave me goosebumps. So amazing. The only issue I have wth the museum is that there are no student or teacher discounts and tickets are a whopping $25! That's a pretty penny for a struggling artists and teachers.

Update for the collaboration piece - the silks are finished! Here are some preview images.

The flowers you see are from the islands and travel across a map.

My good friend Carmina Eliason also commissioned me to make a silk piece for her wedding awning. It;s going to be a mountain wedding an the awning is quite tall so I hope it works out but here are some preview images of the piece.

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