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A very long and very annoying trip through Miami

Our trip back started just fine. We were at the airport on time, and even though there were very long lines, and I will never book a flight out of Bim in the afternoon again, we made it up up and away just fine. The first problems started to pile up once we landed in Miami.

We arrived early but there was another plane in our gate which ended up making us arrive late. After that the immigration lines were wrapping around the building, and once through those lines and after picking up our bags, the customs lines were even longer. There was obviously something wrong but no officials were sharing. We were still good on time for our flight to SFO, but once we were through customs, all of us connecting passenger were not allowed to go through to our connecting gates. We were ALL sent back to ticketing to join another long line. It was in this line that we watched the time pass for us to board and then our flight leave.

We ended up staying in line for about an hour to see a ticketing agent and once we spoke with her she was very nice. She checked our bags for the flight the next morning, but we had to find a place to stay. My smartphone in hand I booked us a hotel as soon as we were out of the line and luckily we probably got the last room. For somereason the airlines were still giving out vouchers for hotels but the hotels were all full (here's to fast fingers!).

The last bad break we had was when we got back to the airport and found out that the flight we thought we were booked on was full and the ticketing agent actually only put us on standby.

Ineveitably we were able to get on the flight but our bags were left in Miami, and our poor Jamaican patties only got delivered in our suitcases two days later.

Bottom Line: if you can avoid connecting through Miami, do it!

Below are some images I took on the flight out of Barbados and the last image is when we finally got on a flight to SFO.


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